Faculty of Civil Engineering at the 17th Science Festival: ForestCO2 project presented

The Faculty of Civil Engineering actively participated in the 17th Regional Science Festival, which took place from December 12 to 14 at the Belgrade Fair under the slogan “Evolution of Ideas”. At this important event, the ForestCO2 project was presented through a visually striking poster, which attracted the attention of visitors.
Illustration and description of ForestCO2 project

Paper presented at international conference in Novi Sad

Our team members Ognjen Antonijević and Branislav Bajat attended the Geospatial and Environmental Dynamics: Between Fundamental and Applied Scientific Research conference held in Novi Sad, Serbia on 15th and 16th November 2024, where they presented the paper “Above ground forest biomass estimation based on remote sensing and in-situ data.”
Paper presented at Conference on Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change in the Azores in Portugal

Our team member professor Vladan Ivetić presented the “PAN-EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR CLIMATE ADAPTIVE FOREST RESTORATION AND REFORESTATION.” paper at the Conference on Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change in the Azores, which was held on October 25th and 26th 2023. in Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal.
Paper presented at Forest restoration and afforestation as pathways for addressing climate change challenge round table in North Macedonia

Professor Vladan Ivetić presented a paper titled “Reforestation challenges in Serbia” at Forest restoration and afforestation as pathways for addressing climate change challenge round table in Skopje, North Macedonia on 6.10.2023.
Conference paper presented at MEDCLIVAR-SISC 2024

Our team members Aleksandar Sekulić and Milan Kilibarda presented the paper “MeteoEurope1km and ChatGPT integration: Chat with high-resolution historical meteorological data through advanced NLP” at the conference MEDCLIVAR-SISC 2024: Bridging multiple space and time scales in climate sciences held at Lecce, Italy between September 24th-27th, 2024.
Conference paper presented at SYMOPIS2024

Project team member Slobodan Jelić presented the paper “MILP for Integrated Berth Allocation and Crane Operations Scheduling in Container Terminals,” co-authored with Tatjana Davidović and Nataša Kovač, at the 51st International Symposium on Operational Research (SYMOPIS2024). The symposium was held from September 16–19, 2024, in Tara, Serbia.
Conference paper presented at ICME2024

Project team members Vesna Šešum-Čavić and Slobodan Jelić presented their position paper, “An Intelligent Method for Hyperparameter Optimization in Deep Learning Models for Soil Organic Carbon Estimation from Spectral Measurements” at the 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics and Engineering (ICME2024). The conference took place from September 12–14, 2024, at the Mathematical Institute […]
Paper published in a prestigious scientific journal

Our team member Marko Kazimirović is one of the authors of the paper “Identifying drivers of non-stationary climate-growth relationships of European beech” published in the Science of the Total Environment journal, Volume 937, 10 August 2024, 173321. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173321
Conference paper presented and published in the book chapter of Lecture Notes in Computer Science series

Our team member Slobodan Jelić has co-authored a paper titled “VNS-Based Matheuristic Approach to Group Steiner Tree with Problem-Specific Node Release Strategy” presented at Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2024) 4-7 June in Lorient, France, and published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14753. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-62912-9_32